29 décembre 2010

una postal

pisacu joj pisma duga... not druga

Entrevista en revista Nodo

nuevas: Belicosa: En busca de catársis


sketch and finished version
-supposedly- Draco Malfoy for a friend.
finished version for the lotería card. coming soon. check loteria.tumblr.com for more information
Guest art for a comics magazine that will come out soon.

 don't even remember when I drew this...or WHY I drew it for.........

01 décembre 2010

my body is a cage. first post

lo que estuve dibujando para nanographicmo.org no lo he terminado del todo! soy de lo peor! pero ahi van las páginas que tengo en orden... pronto habrán más posts, estoy editando todo.

espero les agraden, cualquier comentario es bienvenido :)

english version soon!

pronto el siguiente post con más paginas :/

16 novembre 2010

almost forgot to post these :D

 nele or aleksandar, saša for his friends. drew this to warm up
 for a book, changed my mind later on
 for another book. didn't finished it

 more nanographicmo
for a book.

other nanographicmo updates

nothing new if you follow me on twitter, but just wanted to keep these as documentation... sort of.

12 novembre 2010

this is the way i roll

still working on this. it's my stress reliever for the nanographicmo pages and other pending work. when i'm tired of everything i turn into this

09 novembre 2010

nanographicmo screencaps

and a page already finished, almost done with a couple more, stay tuned :)

for more information abut the nanographicmo go check this: nanographicmo

07 novembre 2010

colectivo 13

para la primera publicación del colectivo #13 de cuento ilustrado http://colectivo13.wordpress.com/

goodbye, my friend

до виђења, мој друг

para http://www.facebook.com/arte.postal